Meet the Gang!


Meet the Gang!

A summary of our team working hard to make a documentary in precisely 16 days of filming. We are working so hard with long, long days in the heat but everyone is giving their best. Some are worried about climbing mountains, some scared of snakes, but all of us recognise a good story deserving a wider audience. 


Managing Director
With his ebullient communication skills and cheerful manner, there’s nothing he can’t get done.  From clearing the lantana 12 years ago to planting trees, to sharing in the vision for the founders, to supporting the community, Emmanuel’s dreams for the future grow every day.  Along with Winny, his wife, he supports his mother who is poorly and six children, four of his own, one adopted and one cared for.

Personnel Manager
Winny is the calm and quiet influence behind the throne.  She is a champion of women in the community and has earnt their complete respect.  Her dream outside RF is to make sure every household grows their own vegetables as well as their trees.  She talks with authority on nutrition and a balanced diet in a nation where carbohydrates proliferate, and protein costs a lot.

Artist and Rewilding Manager
This year Isaac won a prestigious Janzi award for Best Sculptor.  His distinctive style using strips of wax to create his work is exquisite. A passionate environmentalist, his sculptures are informed by his study of the nature around him. He tells me he has a photographic memory which must help him remember shape and form when he sees things in the wild.  In one word: awesome!

Pelucy keeps us going cooking amazing Ugandan food twice a day: Posho (Cornmeal cooked into a thick porridge), Beans and peas, Cassava (a starchy root vegetable), Matoke (steamed bananas), Fried Chapati, Luwombo (groundnut sauce), Gonja (roasted plantain) and Goat. Pelucy sings whilst she cooks and smiles as soon as you look at her.  Enough said!


As a director and as a person, Zuleika is passionate about the environment and the birds and creatures that live in it. This is her passion project, and her drive and enthusiasm are contagious.  She has boundless energy and will sometimes be up and out with her camera before the day begins for everyone else.  Last week an interviewee was so happy to reminisce with her that he sent her a live chicken as thanks.  Zuleika gave strict instructions that Agatha shouldn’t be eaten but instead become chief egg layer for us all.  Bring it on Agatha!


It’s hard to write about oneself, but I support the whole team, helping to make things happen and log all the footage, checking to see that we aren’t missing anything vital to edit it all together.  If an early breakfast is required, I will make it.  If there is a problem, I hope I can diffuse it and work with others to solve it.  I also look after the money and tend to focus on “the big picture”.

Production Manager for Talking Film Production Ltd, Kampala, Uganda. 
Mr Fix It, Paul manages the schedule and keeping ahead of the game.  He is also a fantastic communicator, responsible for his crew’s wellbeing and for communicating between teams and contributors.  He’s both a joy and a reassurance to have on the team. Thank you, Paul.

DOP (Director of Production)

Freelance cameraman working a lot with Talking Film Production Ltd. Justin is experienced and well respected.  He is passionate about his work and won’t stop until he is made to.  He will be first up the mountain and is also so knowledgeable about the environment and is continuing to learn a lot for his own farm - planned for retirement in many years to come.

Camera Assistant, Talking Film Production Ltd
Geoffry will do a full day’s filming (often 10 hours plus) and then go for a run.  He carries the camera, changes the lenses whenever required, formats the cards and gives them all to Jacqui for processing at the end of the day. He is Justin’s right-hand man, but he also makes sure we have a sun hat on, and insect repellent and is a generally caring and considerate person.

Sound Recordist, Talking Film Production Ltd
Always smiling and telling good stories, Sam hauls a great big mixer around all day in the heat, feeding in Radio Mics, and general Atmos plus waving the long-poled boom over his head to capture great sound.  And great sound is often underestimated.  Sam is the life and soul of the party and makes a mean porridge. Trouble is – he supports Liverpool!

Runner & Driver, Talking Film Production Ltd 
Always there with a soft drink from the cooler, an air-conditioned van to take you places (when we’re not in the truck), and a willing hand to help move the kit.  Vincent will dive into town to get things and is always stocked up with snacks.  He’s quiet and he's just always there!

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Ground Floor, 11 Manvers Street Bath, BA1 1JQ, United Kingdom. Company Number 13776254.