A fascinating evening with the Trowbridge Traditional Club where Jacqui was able to share our progress to a remarkably receptive audience. Jacqui was wined and dined before standing at the front of the hall and presenting our film project The Rwenzori Rainmakers with additional anecdotes to make them smile. Jacqui said,
“It feels as if we’ve come such a long way with this film and learnt so much along the way that it is always a pleasure to talk about it. I hope our passion came across and more eyes were opened to the importance of re-wilding and climate change, especially in areas most effected by global warming. The film has been a labour of love for four years now for Zuleika and I, and we finally have a long version to enter into film festivals around the world. We start with The Sundance Film Festival in LA at the end of August. Fingers and toes crossed.”
The Trowbridge Traditional Club is a men’s club that was established in Trowbridge, the county town of Wiltshire, in 1980. The club’s motto is “Good food, good friends and good conversation.” I think we hit those targets on Thursday! A special shout out to Richard Knight for inviting Films For Change to talk (Jacqui) and for the lifts there and back and, of course, a big thank you to the club for their donation to our film funds
Films for Change Tree planting activities in Uganda and the making of 'The Rwenzori Rainmakers'.
We were very warmly received at this inspiring tree Group. Our talk was well attended and they gave us a fine donation towards our tree planting project. THANK YOU ALL. The tree group website tells us it was founded (in 1993) to:
" promote the importance of trees as guardians of the environment. We highlight the need to protect trees and shrubs, maintain the Wolvercote Community Orchard, and support tree planting in and around Wolvercote Ward. WTG. founder John Thompson (1941-2015) was a mover, planter and shaker in the arboreal world. Formerly working for the city as a landscape architect, his mission in life was to create beautiful tree-lined spaces for the benefit of local communities and wildlife. In his 74 years, he planted over 10,000 trees in many projects around the city of Oxford, including the wildlife reserve on Burgess Field, next to Port Meadow. John was instrumental in creating the Forest of Oxford and it was this connection that led to the formation of the Wolvercote Tree Group. The Community Orchard is the longest running project where nearly 80 trees have been planted since 1993"
2. West Ilsley Village.
We were equally delighted to have been warmly received by this village discussion group, for another talk about our film making and trees. It was so encouraging to have so much interest in our work. A big thank you to all who attended or donated.
We are looking forward to many more events like this in future.
Chat and Share Event
With Films for Change and Ugandan film makers
On July 2nd 2022, Jacqui and Zuleika held a training session in Kampala, Uganda very kindly hosted by Xtrim Casting in their garden and organised by our partners Talking Film Production.
Despite the short notice we gave everyone, we were delighted to meet an enthusiastic group of filmmakers and creatives with skills in all aspects of production. After introductions by all, discussions and questions continued for 3 hours (an hour over time) about fundraising, developing ideas and projects, training, collaboration, industry opportunities and more.
What an inspiring crowd, thanks to all who attended and for everyone’s kind hospitality. We are looking forward to many more events like this in future.
We want to do our bit to restore environments and as our documentary THE RWENZORI RAINMAKERS is all about re-wilding and reforestation we will help our participants plant trees. This is where you too can help. We are offering tree saplings as rewards which we will plant in your name. Visit our kickstarter to find out all about this exciting project.
We also offer a beautiful photographic book of African people and landscapes by Steve Russell and wonderful sustainable seaweed beauty products from Seatox Seaweed.
And we are delighted that Kickstarter have marked our film plans as a "Project We Love". (Ends May 12th) Please note, we only have until early May to reach our target.
Tuesday April 5th 18.00pm GMT
Archive film Screening and discussion
An online screening of this 30 minute archive film, originally made for the MCR Dunn Nutrition Unit in 1962, that reflects new treatments at the time, of protein deficiency in Ugandan children.
Followed by discussions with expert nutritionist and filmmaker; Prof Roger Whitehead
Planting trees as part of our fundraising campaign helps us serve a valuable ecological purpose. We will be helping extend the Rwenzori Founders' forest and hospital botanic gardens, which in turn creates habitats for diverse wildlife.
Our supporters who plant trees with us can choose to feature on our photo wall alongside images of their seedlings, and planting trees helps us remain carbon neutral accredited.
Here are more fact sheets we wrote as newsletters mid campaign in which we described the medicinal uses of jack fruit trees - another popular bundle in our successful crowd fund appeal, and, more about acacias:
The Rwenzori Founders aim to create a sanctuary for endangered animals like the Pangolin. We follow this story to find out if they are successful.
Re-greening Africa is more than the trees, it is about encouraging and restoring community value systems to prevent extinctions, enable ecosystems to be rebuilt to improve biodiversity, human health and the future health of our planet. Pangolins have a tough time but there are people trying to help
For More information check out this article by UWA on Pangolin trafficking by clicking the button below.
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